James Mitchell

Based on statistics, the U.S. spends an average of $459.79 per consumer unit on furniture expenditure. Every year, households across the U.S. spend hundreds of dollars on renovations and home furniture. If you’re planning to do some design upgrades this year, here are some reasons you should consider getting antique furniture for your home:

1. Antique furniture is environment-friendly

Who wouldn’t love a new writing desk or a new coffee table? But remember, that nice furniture at the shop started as trees. If you’re concerned about your carbon footprint, try getting antique Gustavian furniture instead or maybe some nice second-hand ones. Authentic Provence explains that antiques are environment-friendly because their carbon footprint is 16 times lower compared to new furniture.

2. Antique furniture tells a story

Of course, new furniture can tell a story too but not as much as well-preserved antique furniture. If you’ve read Kevin Kwan’s Crazy Rich Asians, notice how the author describes certain furniture pieces in the houses of the rich and famous and how they seem to be more interesting because of their age. Antique pieces stand the test of time, and some can even go beyond 100 years old and could pass on to the next generation.

3. Antique furniture has good quality

If you’re looking for furniture that’s made by hand and has high quality, look for antique ones. They’re generally breathtaking and can truly last more than a lifetime if well taken care of. The reason they last so long is that they’re well made, so you truly get your money’s worth.

Antique furniture typically increases in value provided that the pieces are well preserved. And if you have antique pieces in your home, you can restore them to their former glory and keep them longer for the next generation. Happy furniture shopping!

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